
June 18, 2020 Comments Off on Thursday

Movie opening:

Fucking Guy One (FG1): Dude that girl’s hot man.

Guy Two (G2): Woman.

FG1: Woman.

The woman strolls across the screen. The two guys pass a joint back and forth.

FG1: I was just saying she was hot.

G2: No worries dude.

FG1: What’re we doing today?


FG1: Dude . . . you know what I’m trying to say.

Guy Two takes the joint and puffs.

FG1: She’s hot. Beautiful? Whatever. Look at her. Ass. Everything. She’s complete dude.

Fucking Guy One takes the joint and waves it around.

FG1: You have to at least agree she’s hot . . . right?

G2: Not the point.

FG1: Fine.

Fucking Guy One passes the joint back.

FG1: She’s hot then. That woman was fine.

These notebooks are born “so that nothing can escape,” but they immediately show our “inner poverty,” while there’s nothing that can escape, and so I must attempt to think in order to “have” something that will not escape. A poetics of thought.

101 Piglia “The Happy Years”

In the Godfather Part II the music functions like a chorus commenting upon the action and, at times, stepping out of it’s role and becoming an actor.

An essay: Title: Freddy Corleone

First Line: Poor Freddy.

June 18, 2020
