Saturday (last day of August)

June 25, 2020 Comments Off on Saturday (last day of August)

Tomorrow, I finally submit to Brick.

Reading Thanh’s memoir discomfits me. It reads like one version of what I have written.

How should I now define my relationship with J? I met him during my new-age days. I would talk for hours about what I had learned – meditation, breathing, peace, ego, truth. The difference in years between us more meaningful than today when I took a different path and he committed to Buddhism. Will this happen to my relationship with P.? A gratified ego? My mouth and a new wisdom?

Interview: Line of questioning:

  • an interrupted bildungsroman?
  • writing as healing; healing as writing (The writer is the Healed person).
  • 200 – “The new material was old material filtered though the person I was trying to become.”

Books to read:

Abigail Thomas: Safekeeping

Abigail Thomas: (essay) Getting Started

Joan Wickersham: The Suicide Index

Vivian Gornick: The Situation and the Story

Leonora Carrington: Down Below

Wendy Ortiz: Bruja

Deboray Levy: Things I don’t want to know

Deboary Levy: The Cost of Living

Javier Marias: Dark Back of Time

October 21, 2020
