Monday 9

October 27, 2020 Comments Off on Monday 9

Organizing the house dominates my mind. I can concentrate on nothing else. Questions of permits, scheduling, etc. I will work hard the next six months. Trying to not worry about writing.

I should speak to A. about having dedicated time to write when job finishes.

Do I need to drink less coffee? A delicate act to balance energy needs. Too much energy and I spend energy managing my energy. Should this be satirical?

Carina: Reality Television (RT): a way of dramatizing/reifying boot strap mythology.

Micro-task addiction: The To-Do list. Check, check, check. Mystified accomplishments. Emptiness.

“I did so many things today. Look at my list.”

People even add things to the list only so they can check them off.

Reading Saramago’s Small Memories. It moves by association (the way memory works). Example, the narrator describes crossing the Tejo to try and catch Alice, but fails. In the next episode he fails to catch a fish in the Tejo.

October 27, 2020
October 28, 2020
