Men: When I see a man smiling and laughing (often with a woman), and I catch his eye, even for a moment, a stoic, even angry expression, asserts itself.
Tall privilege anecdote from Sherwood (did I write this in my phone?).
(Story): not being responsible for the architecture of your mind. The metaphor (which becomes the story, think The Trial or The Castle) is being held responsible for the architecture of a building you’ve moved into; perhaps, also the bad things which occur in or around the property. (Government housing)? Perhaps, inherited property from a parent? Is it being torn down? Everyone else moving out? The few left are loony tunes (like you)?
. . .
This arose as I considered that possibility is part of attraction. When I see a beautiful women my reaction is more reflexive. What I interpret as attraction is not attraction. The desire is of a person who could have been.