July 12 / 2019

February 11, 2020 Comments Off on July 12 / 2019

I’ve noticed before. I enjoy the short, hard sentences that a pen produces. I have not felt fine. Can I observe this feeling from a vantage unaffected by the emotion? It is a weight. It burdens. Neither of these are visual; the feeling has no visual quality, except for the visions it produces.

A visual metaphor (I can only see it as a movie, an actual image): A man sitting. Only his face and shoulders. Rigid lines of sweat the only movement. A hot country? A buzz of office noise. Is he waiting? A black widow spider crawls from out of his hair and down his face.

When I engage like this, I mean, objectify the feeling, it lightens. Is it because I can only engage when alone?

Atlas was not condemned not to hold up the earth, but the heavens . . . When did this change? Why? The loss of anything metaphysical?

In fact, Atlas did not hold up the sky, he held the heavens and earth apart. is he the critic’s muse?

January 25, 2020
March 21, 2020
