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13 Friday

Piglia – (two weeks ago, K., an old classmate from CNF, told me you pronounce glia as an an e sound (like bee). On p. 148 at the bottom an illegible world. The first in more than a decade of his published journaling. This revealed to me that I had assumed a certain level of…

12 Thursday

(I dislike this pen) On Tuesday, I watched Saving Private Ryan. The character Uphman, initially a boy, becomes a man when he murders the German soldier that his company had previously captured and released (at Upham’s urging). The movie implies the audience should see him as a redeemed coward: the camera captures him in a…

Tuesday 11

Should one consider what arises in the mind while walking what the mind considers primary? In my case, I return always to the house. I wish it was writing, a piece of writing. I went for a walk in James Bay. First along an unknown street and then back along Superior. A town house with…

Monday 9

Organizing the house dominates my mind. I can concentrate on nothing else. Questions of permits, scheduling, etc. I will work hard the next six months. Trying to not worry about writing. I should speak to A. about having dedicated time to write when job finishes. Do I need to drink less coffee? A delicate act…


Carina Letters: Brad is precocious drinker. More of a sad-sack than moi. The perspective is good. I find him pitiable or contemptible. Both? Do those two feelings always belong together? Is this how you see me? I’ve decided to leave him the run of the house. He’ll trash it, but than you can re-decorate. You…

Thursday (5)

Busy. Planning all day for the reno. Spent this morning at J’s designing basement and talking about exterior. Hard to not let the process consume my mind and leave no space for writing. Decisions regarding the exterior cladding/design: experimental or traditional? Cladding is actually irrelevant, much like the content of a story, form is all….

Sept 3 – Tuesday

First day after Labor Day. The vacation for A. has more meaning: I don’t labor. Vacations mean a day at home with my family which can be challenging if I’m feeling the need for space. I get short-tempered and moody. Withdrawn, sullen, a teenager who knows better and feels humiliated by everything outside of their…

Sept 2 – Monday

Returned from ‘Wood-Park.’ F. had a blast. M. + family joined. Grammy and papa too. Nothing transcendent, although us descendants of the Romantics see the world this way and when we search for language search for those words we think roadsign towards truth: sunsets, smells, a list of sounds, and our centrality. What tone and…

Sept 1 – 2019

Reread some stuff from 2013. Good. Why did I abandon it? No confidence. A series of letters from a woman to a man named Timothy. Unhinged. Ecstatic. Then the lollipop flash fiction piece that CG. said was perfect. I did something to piss him off. To be fair, he began to bother me. He wanted…