Aug 6/2019

June 3, 2020 Comments Off on Aug 6/2019

A list of writing projects underway or which I want to undertake:

  1. Kingsway Massage – short story
  2. Collection of Memories – essays
  3. Dying girl – TV Show
  4. School Shooter – TV Show
  5. Architecture of a Life (Collection of writings over the last two decades on trying to represent my adolescence).
  6. Kempowski Ecolot (for Canada)

I had to complain about an unjust bill. I phoned and explained. Without question, the company cancelled the charges. (I unlearn him).

My right eye, neck, cheek, and jaw are pained again. This happens frequently now and always after too much screen time. I’m having a hard time swallowing too.

I crossed out the start of a thought related to photography. Instead, I wrote, “was going to write about photography.”

June 16, 2020
